We Are Still Here, And We Are Still Saving Animals

Hello good people of WordPress! Yes, the ICARUS Team really does still exist, and we really are still here! As the main staff writer, our absence from the blog is my failing. I’ve had some health issues, and ended up having to have surgery in October (minor, they just poked holes in me and sent me home with happy pills) and while that surgery was successful (yay for cysts that are no more!) I had recovery, and then right on the heels of surgery travel for my novel writing side of things. Plus, there’s novel writing going on, and it’s a struggle to manage time for everything. Then there was our election… and, yeah, being offline is much healthier for one’s brain right now.

Some of what we’ve been up to while I was failing to get blog posts written and published:

  1. Working on articles which will be posted in the near future.
  2. Traveling (some of us) to places like Chile!
  3. “Blind horse proofing” fields and barns (which includes acclimating the current residents to wearing bells) in preparation for the arrival (really, the homecoming) of a horse recently blinded by disease (uveitis for those interested)
  4. Caring for multiple terminally ill domestic cats.
  5. Helping formulate rehab and release protocols
  6. Helping to organize research bases to perform studies on rehab and release subjects
  7. Moving houses
  8. Oh, yeah, Thanksgiving…
  9. And Christmas shopping…
  10. Holding down full time jobs, some of which are mainstream, some of which are the job of conservation, the travel and such that go with it.


I’m going to do my very best to set aside time to get blog posts written and up, so there’s never a wide vacancy again as there has been, so start checking back, and you might find some interesting things to read! Thank you everyone for sticking with us on this journey!

2 thoughts on “We Are Still Here, And We Are Still Saving Animals

  1. Posted on December 10, 2012 at 8:21 amHeya, I just hopped over to your webpage using StmlnueUpob. Not somthing I would generally read, but I enjoyed your thoughts none the less. Thanks for making some thing well worth reading.


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